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Next Steps for Admitted Students


Secure Your Spot

Secure your spot in SXU's upcoming class by submitting your tuition deposit and registering for Registration, Orientation, and Academic Readiness (ROAR). We encourage students to secure their spot as soon as possible. Nursing Students: Please note that the incoming Nursing class often reaches capacity and a waitlist process begins. Submit your tuition deposit and complete your ROAR registration by May 1 to guarantee your spot in the fall cohort.

1. Submit Tuition Deposit

Submit your $100 tuition deposit.

Submit your $100 tuition deposit by logging into your SXU Applicant Status Portal with the email address you used to apply to SXU. This deposit confirms you will be attending Saint Xavier University and is a credit toward tuition charges, not an additional $100 cost. If you do not pay your tuition deposit before classes begin, it will be part of your first bill.

Parents/Guardians who wish to make a deposit for their child: your student can log into their Applicant Status Portal and share their unique tuition deposit, or email admissionFREESXU and your child's tuition deposit link will be emailed to you.

Deposits are refundable until May 1.

2. Enroll in Registration, Orientation, and Academic Readiness (ROAR)

Attend ROAR and Register for Classes

Declare your intent to enroll by registering for mandatory Registration, Orientation, and Academic Readiness (ROAR). ROAR is a one day in-person orientation program that provides you with essential resources and information to prepare you to make the transition to college. At ROAR , students will connect with their academic department, register for classes, learn about the university's mission and heritage, on and off campus resources, student organizations, financial aid, the student code of conduct, get an opportunity to meet classmates, and connect with current students. Parents and families are welcome to attend! Parents/families/guests will attend portions of ROAR with their student, and other parts of the day will participate in guest programming and activities.

Questions about Orientation? Contact Student Life at 773-298-3123 or roarFREESXU.



ROAR: Frequently Asked Questions

Go to FAQ

1. SXU Student Email

Check your email

  • Your SXU student email address and login information will be sent to you after registering for ROAR (new student orientation). This email comes from portalFREESXU%3B search your inbox for that address if you're having difficulty finding the information.
  • All information about Next Steps listed below, as well as communication from the university moving forward, will be sent to your new SXU student email account. This means, information about registering for classes, placement exams, dorm move-in, etc. will be sent to your SXU email, not your personal (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) address. It is vital you regularly check your SXU email in order to stay up to date with information.
  • Log into your SXU student email.

Need help logging into your SXU student email? Call or chat with The Hub, our IT support center, att 773 at 773-298-4357 or via HubChat.

2. Placement Exams and Incoming Credit

Take your Placement Exam (if needed)

Once you have registered for Registration, Orientation, and Academic Readiness (ROAR), you will be contacted regarding Math Placement.

We believe that accurate placement of students into courses appropriate for their skill levels is important for academic success at SXU. The results of the Math Placement Exam are for placement purposes only and will not impact your admission to Saint Xavier University.

Once a student has registered for ROAR, they will receive an email notification from our Records Office stating if they are required or not required to take the Math Placement exam. This requirement is based off of high school GPA, intended major and other factors. Students required to take the math placement exam should complete the test at least two weeks prior to their ROAR session (see exam details in Records Office email.) Students that are not required to take the math placement exam have no further steps.

For questions, please contact the Office of Records and Registration at 773-298-3501 or academictestingFREESXU.

Students who are interested in taking Spanish courses or pursuing a Spanish major or minor at Saint Xavier University need to take a Foreign Language Placement Exam. (Students who are bilingual in Spanish are encouraged to take the exam and explore the possibility of receiving college credit for their Spanish language skills.) We also offer an Arabic exam for those interested in taking Arabic courses. All exams are available remotely. Please visit the Avant Language testing site using the appropriate test code and password below:

Spanish Placement Exam:

  • Test Code: 16573b-pl-sp-1
  • Password: 3896

Arabic Placement Exam:

  • Test Code: 16573b-pl-ar-2
  • Password: 3574

Please note: It is very important that you complete the Foreign Language Placement with the utmost academic integrity. Do not reference or use old textbooks or the internet in search of answers. Do not receive assistance from teachers, friends, family, etc. It is important that you complete the test on your own, without assistance. Engaging in academically dishonest behavior (a.k.a. cheating) could potentially place you into a course for which you are unprepared. Placement in a course for which a student is unprepared has resulted in a student receiving a failing grade for the course, delayed graduation as additional semesters may be needed to step-back and take a prerequisite course and or to repeat the failed course, additional costs/tuition dollars due to the repeated course(s), etc. We want you to be in a course in which you can continue to build a solid language foundation and succeed!

You will be given 48 hours to complete the exam. After this time the code will expire. Please allow 48 hours after your exam to receive your results. Foreign Language placement will be updated on your student record in Academic Planning notes once scores are received.

For questions, please contact the Office of Records and Registration at 773-298-3501 or academictestingFREESXU.

We celebrate the diversity of our students and the language skills that many have attained! Students who have prior knowledge of Spanish, whether acquired at home (heritage/bilingual speakers) or through previous studies, may benefit from taking a Foreign Language Placement Exam. Students who place higher than the Elementary I level can pursue retroactive credit for their Spanish speaking skills and associated placement. To take the Spanish Placement Exam, please see the instructions above.

*Note: Students can also earn foreign language credit through Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate exams, as well as proficiency demonstrated through the Illinois Seal of Biliteracy.

For questions, please contact the Office of Records and Registration at 773-298-3501 or academictestingFREESXU.

Submit any AP, IB or CLEP Scores, dual credit transcripts, and proof of Illinois Seal of Biliteracy.

  • Students with AP/Dual credit must request an official transcript from College Board (AP) or their previous institution be sent to SXU. During ROAR (First-Year Orientation), when meeting with an academic advisor and selecting classes, please indicate any AP/Dual Math courses that are currently in progress or completed, so you can be placed into the correct courses.
  • SXU also accepts the Illinois Seal of Biliteracy. This is typically noted on the final high school transcript for those students who qualify. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Records and Registration at registrarFREESXU.

3. Financial Aid

Finalize Your Financial Aid

Paying for college and understanding Financial Aid is an important part of attending any institution. Each student will have a personalized Financial Aid Package and specific "to-do" items related to you and your financial situation. However, no matter what your situation is, below are items we recommend ALL students consider:

  • Submit the FAFSA (optional, use FAFSA code 001768) or the Alternative App for Illinois Financial Aid (optional, for qualifying in-state undocumented and transgender students who are not otherwise eligible for federal financial aid).
  • Look over your Financial Aid Offer Letter. This letter details any scholarships, loans, grants, etc. you've been offered. This will be mailed to your home address after you've been admitted. Letters begin to be distributed in November.
  • Accept/decline loans (if applicable).
  • To see your personalized SXU Financial Aid Checklist on our portal, you can follow the steps below:
    • Log-in to mySXU.
    • Scroll down to the "Self-Service Menu" and click on "STUDENTS."
    • Click on "Financial Aid" then click on "Financial Aid" from the dropdown menu
    • You will be able to see your unique SXU Financial Aid checklist on the left-hand side of the page
  • Keep an eye out for a billing notification email sent to your SXU email account mid-July from the Office of Student Accounts. Bills are not mailed. The email will direct you to view your bill online in the mySXU portal. For more information regarding bills as well as payment plan options, please visit the Office of Student Accounts website.

For questions, please reach out to the Office of Financial Aid at 773-298-3070 or finaidFREESXU.

Receive Your Billing Statement and Secure Payment

Billing notification emails are sent to students' SXU email address in mid-July. Please note: Bills are not mailed! Please refer to the billing notification email to view your bill on the mySXU portal. University charges in excess of your financial aid will appear on your bill. As an alternative to paying in full, you can make payments and/or secure additional financing through one or a combination of the following:

  • Payment plan utilizing Nelnet: Nelnet provides a short-term financing option, allowing you to divide all or part of your 2023-2024 remaining charges into payments over the semester.
  • Direct PLUS Loan for Parents (PLUS): This credit-based federal loan is borrowed by the student's parents. The 10-year repayment allows for a long-term option in financing educational expenses.
  • Private loan: This credit-based loan is borrowed by the student, parent, or another individual and funded by private banks and lenders, each with unique terms and credit criteria.

4. Submit Forms

Submit Your Final High School Transcript

Students are required to submit their final, official high school transcripts by the first day of their incoming semester. Transcripts must be official and sent directly from your high school. Transcripts can be sent electronically or via mail. Please request your official high school transcript be sent one of the following ways:

  • Electronically: In order to satisfy the need for an official high school transcript, electronic transcripts must be sent from a high school guidance counselor, college and career counselor, or an official office/employee. SXU accepts official transcripts from transcript services such as Parchment, Naviance, etc. Your school may also send PDF to admissionFREESXU. Please contact the Office of Admission with any transcript questions.
  • Mail: Official transcripts should be sent to the following address in a sealed envelope:

Attention: Office of Admission
Saint Xavier University
3700 W. 103rd Street
Chicago, IL 60655

Submit Proof of Immunizations to Health Center

  • All students enrolled in more than six credit hours are required by law to provide records to the Health Center. You can submit a copy of your full immunization record online through the Patient Portal. Please contact the Health Center at 773-298-3712 if you have any questions or if you need assistance locating your records.
  • In July 12, 2022, Governor J.B. Pritzker rescinded the requirement that higher education employees and students be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or submit to weekly testing in order to access the university/college premises. Illinois Executive Order 2022-16 rescinds this prior requirement, and no further weekly testing is required at this time for persons who are not vaccinated or not yet fully vaccinated against COVID-19. At this time, COVID-19 vaccination IS NOT REQUIRED to attend SXU.

5. Housing (optional)

Sign Up for On-Campus Housing

  • SXU students can choose to live on-campus in a dorm, or commute from the area. If you're dreaming of dorm life, join us for on-campus living by completing your Housing Application!
  • Submitting a completed Housing Application is required if you plan to live on-campus
  • Residence Hall rooms are guaranteed on a first-come, first-serve basis based on the date you submit your Housing Application. You will be asked to select your Residence Hall building preferences and note any roommate requests (if applicable) on your Housing Application. If you do not request a specific roommate on your Housing Application, you will be assigned a roommate through our lottery system. Specific residence halls and roommate requests are not guaranteed.

6. Cougar Trax

Begin the Fall Semester by Attending Cougar Trax

Your academic career officially begins with Cougar Trax. This one-day program, required for students, features sessions critical to success in your first year, opportunities for fun and social gathering, and the New Student Induction ceremony.

  • This program traditionally takes place the Thursday and Friday prior to the start of classes. A date will be published soon!
  • Commuter students do not stay on campus overnight for this program.
  • You will receive further details by email later this summer.

Transfer and Adult Degree Completion

Transfer Student

Congratulations on being admitted to SXU! We are excited to welcome you to our community. Our Transfer Student Services Center is ready to assist you in meeting with an academic advisor to review transfer credit, determine what courses are needed to complete your degree, and register for courses. Questions about your next steps? Contact the Office of Admission at 844-GOTO-SXU (844-468-6798) or admissionFREESXU.

Next Steps

  1. Request an advising appointment by logging into your Applicant Status Portal to complete the Request Advising Appointment form.
  2. File the FAFSA using the school code 001768. (If you are not eligible for the FAFSA, determine if you are eligible to file the Alternative App for Illinois Financial Aid.)
  3. Submit your $100 tuition deposit to secure your spot at SXU. Log into SXU Applicant Status Portal. This deposit confirms you will be attending Saint Xavier University and is a credit toward tuition charges.

Graduate Students

Congratulations on being admitted to a Saint Xavier University graduate program! We are excited to welcome you to our Cougar Family. Your point-of-contact at this time is an advisor in the academic department to which you've been admitted. Since every program is unique, your advisor's contact information, as well as your specific next steps, are detailed in your admission letter that will be sent to you soon by email.

Next Steps

To apply for the Graduate Stafford Loan, visit the FAFSA website and use the SXU school code: 001768.

Graduate Student

Meet Your Admission Counselor

Important Contacts

Office of Admission

Phone: 844-GOTO-SXU (844-468-6798)
Fax: 773-298-3076
Email: admissionFREESXU

The Office of Admission is excited to welcome you to the Saint Xavier community! Use our office and your admission counselor as a resource for your questions. You can schedule a one-on-one meeting with your admission counselor to discuss your questions and complete your enrollment. We can also arrange for you to tour campus, meet with a student or professor or attend an admitted student event.

Office of Financial Aid

Phone: 773-298-3070
Fax: 773-298-3917
Email: finaidFREESXU

Do not delay in reviewing your financial aid options! If you have questions about FAFSA, accepting your loans, Federal Work Study, or other financial aid questions, contact the Office of Financial Aid. You can also schedule an appointment with your financial aid counselor to review your financial aid offer and discuss your options.

Office of Student Accounts

Phone: 773-298-3046
Fax: 773-298-3917
Email: studentaccountsFREESXU

The Office of Student Accounts is the billing office. If you need assistance in setting up your payment plan or if you have questions about tuition/fees, financial clearance or student health insurance, contact the Office of Student Accounts.

Office of Residence Life

Phone: 773-298-3977
Fax: 773-298-4335
Email: reslifeFREESXU

Are you planning to live on campus? Contact the Residence Life Office if you have questions about living on campus or how to submit your housing application.

Office of Student Life

Phone: 773-298-5114
Email: roarFREESXU

For questions regarding ROAR (First-Year Orientation), campus life, student activities and organizations, contact the Student Activities Office.

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